May 1, 2024
AH Klimaatbewuster koken
Ahold Delhaize NV

Many people nowadays are aware that we have to pay attention to the climate. Thereby we pay attention to traveling, eating meat less often, consuming less, recycling and becoming more sustainable. In terms of nutrition there is still little insight and knowledge about what is good for the environment. Through this project we give Allerhande users more insight into this.


The project consists of a collaboration with a company that can estimate CO2e emissions per ingredient over the entire product process ( This means from feeding a chicken to placing the egg in a box on the store shelves.


From May 2024, many products in Albert Heijn will have a label about CO2e emissions. This label shows how many emissions a product creates. To build user recognition, I started reusing this label in both the Choice Chips for sorting and the emissions block on the recipe page. Initially I wanted to use a familiar color palette for scores from red (high emissions) to green (low emissions), but that could seem patronizing to the user. After all, we all sometimes eat a meal that is less good for the environment. That's why I chose a palette from gray to green. For example, it feels more neutral when a customer chooses a recipe with a high score, but the recipe with low emissions retains its power.

Understand what CO2e is

During user research it emerged that many users have no idea about 1 kilo of Co2e emissions. That's why we've set a reference: driving a car. Most users have been in a car before and can therefore better understand how many emissions the recipe generates.

Feedback at ingredient level

The research showed that users would like to have insight at product level. Unfortunately due to the limited development time, there was no option to implement this. In the future, we could look at showing products that cause a lot of emissions in a recipe. A customer could even be given the option to exchange this product for a product that produces fewer emissions.

If you would like to know more about this project or my way of working, then please contact me in the form below.

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